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HomeExam Application

Application for the ABVT board-certification exam


Application Deadline & Fees

Application due date:  First-time applications and reapplications for the 2025 Examination are due by October 15, 2024. If you believe you will fulfill the requirements to be eligible for the examination before the date of the examination but will not have done so by the application date (e.g., you have taken the ABT exam but have not received your results yet or you will complete required training after the application date), you can apply for the exam. You may receive provisional approval to take the exam but you will not be allowed to actually take the examination until the requirements are met and the proof is submitted to the Exam Committee.

Application fee: The application fee is $300 USD payable upon submission of the application (see below for PayPal link). Applications submitted without payment are not considered complete and will not be reviewed.  

Examination fee: The fee to sit for the ABVT examination is $300 USD (as of the 2022 exam). Payment information will be provided to candidates prior to the examination. 

Application and examination fees are not refundable. 

Application Instructions

The following are instructions on what is needed and how to apply to take the ABVT certification exam. Please send all required files electronically to the ABVT Candidate Coordinator, Dr. Eric Dunayer ( Please make sure that your files are labeled appropriately with the name of the candidate in the file name (e.g., John_Smith_CV) so that others will more easily be able to tell whose file it is.

To apply for the ABVT certification exam, we follow the requirements specified in Article V of the ABVT Constitution. In addition, we ask the applicants to provide other information to help the review committee determine if the candidate is ready to take the certification exam. If there are questions that are not answered in these instructions, please contact the ABVT Candidate Coordinator.

There are multiple prerequisites that a candidate must meet to be eligible to sit for the ABVT board-certification exam. 

First, a candidate must be a qualified veterinarian. This is demonstrated by one of the following:
Being a graduate of a veterinary school or college accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) or; 
Possessing a certificate of accreditation in veterinary medicine from the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates of the AVMA or; 
eing legally qualified (e.g. licensed or equivalent) to practice veterinary medicine in some state, province, territory, or possession of the United States or Canada or other country.

Second, an eligible candidate also must:

  1. Have satisfactory moral, professional and ethical standing.
  2. Satisfy the training and experience requirements of the Board by one of the five methods (See item 4 below).

Please prepare the following information and send in an email message to the ABVT Candidate Coordinator:

1. Personal information – Please provide your name, mailing addresses, email address(es), phone number(s) at which you can be reached. If you have multiple addresses, email addresses, and/or phone numbers, please specify if the addresses or phone numbers are home or work addresses/phone numbers, and which of the addresses, phone numbers you prefer we should use to contact you. Please note, at some point during the application process you may receive a letter or phone call from the Candidate Coordinator, but most communication will be done by email.

2. Training and Experience – Please send a copy of your most current CV (Curriculum Vitae) or Resume. The purpose of this information is so that we can know more about your education, training, and employment experiences. Most CV’s will have more than enough of this information for the Review committee, but if you are submitting a Resume, please make sure to include all appropriate education and work experiences (especially those that relate to your training and experience in veterinary medicine and toxicology). Transcripts from all Universities attended should be sent to the ABVT Candidate Coordinator. If you did not receive your veterinary degree from an AVMA accredited veterinary college, please send a copy of your current veterinary license in the state or country where you are allowed to practice veterinary medicine.

3. References  Please provide the name, address (email and mailing addresses) and phone number of three (3) references of your choice. These three references will need to write a brief letter and send it to the ABVT Candidate Coordinator. Please remember that the purpose of the reference letters is to give the ABVT Review Committee other sources that will confirm your training and experience in toxicology.

4. Application Method – Please choose how you want to satisfy the training and experience requirements of the Board by one of the following five (5) methods:

A.   Advanced Degree OptionHave fully completed four (4) calendar years of training in toxicology, including completion of an advanced degree. Such a program will include courses or training in toxicology (general mammalian, comparative, clinical), biochemistry, analytical chemistry, pharmacology, pathology, and statistics. Experience in teaching of toxicology, and/or toxicological research, and/or the practice of veterinary clinical and/or diagnostic toxicology must be obtained. A minimum of two (2) of these four (4) years will be subsequent to receiving the DVM or equivalent degree, and under the direct supervision of an ABVT Diplomate. The candidate must provide evidence of senior authorship of two (2) accepted peer-reviewed publications, or completion of two (2) funded research projects, or equivalent activity in veterinary toxicology acceptable to the Board.

B.    Residency Option: A candidate may complete at least three (3) calendar years in a veterinary toxicology residency under the supervision of an ABVT Diplomate. The candidate must provide evidence of senior authorship of two (2) accepted peer-reviewed publications, or completion of two (2) funded research projects, or equivalent activity in veterinary toxicology acceptable to the Board.

C.    Experiential option I: A candidate may complete two (2) calendar years in the clinical practice of veterinary medicine, which may include the practice of clinical and/or diagnostic veterinary toxicology, subsequent to graduation from veterinary school or college, and at least three (3) calendar years in a training program in toxicology, and/or in the teaching of toxicology, and/or toxicological research, and/or the practice of veterinary clinical and/or diagnostic toxicology, acceptable to the Board. The candidate must provide evidence of senior authorship of two (2) accepted peer-reviewed publications, or completion of two (2) funded research projects, or equivalent activity in veterinary toxicology acceptable to the Board.

D.   Experiential option II: For individuals who do not fulfill the requirements denoted under 1-3 above, the requirements for candidacy may be met through studies and experience obtained. The time necessary to obtain the required training and experience is dependent upon the amount of time available to be devoted to such activities. The candidate must provide evidence of senior authorship of a total of five (5) accepted peer-reviewed publications, or completion of a total of five (5) funded research projects, or equivalent activity in veterinary toxicology acceptable to the Board. The candidate is responsible for providing sufficient evidence of training and experience equivalent to that required in choice B (Residency Option) above that is acceptable to the Board to gain admission to the examination

E.   ABT Diplomate Option: Have successfully passed the certification examination and be a current Diplomate in good standing of the American Board of Toxicology (ABT).

5.  Other documents to upload/send to the Candidate Coordinator - Depending on the application method chosen in #4, please send electronic copies of your peer reviewed publications, funded research projects, or ABT Certification.

6.  Explanation of Candidates training and experience in toxicology – Please write a short statement explaining what you have done to train and educate yourself in toxicology, as well as explaining your employment or other experiences that relate to toxicology.

7.  Payment of the Application fee – The application fee is $300. This can be paid by going to the ABVT website and paying this fee using the PayPal link below.  Alternatively, a check can be sent to the ABVT treasurer. However, you decide to pay the fee, make sure you mention that the fee paid by PayPal or check to the Candidate Coordinator in the email message you send.

If you have completed all 7 items and sent all appropriate documentation to the Candidate Coordinator, your application should be complete. The ABVT Candidate Coordinator will let you know if there are any deficiencies or items needed in order to complete the application.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

After submitting your application, please pay the application fee using the PayPal link below. 

PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online.

For Checks, send to:

Dr. Sherry Welch
13713 Hanover Way
Apple Valley MN 55124

Please indicate "ABVT Application Fee" on memo line.

Additional Information

Additional information or questions concerning eligibility or the application process can be addressed to:

Candidate Coordinator Dr. Eric Dunayer,, or using the Contact Us page.